Distribución espacial de índices de frecuencia de precipitación diaria en la Península Ibérica

  • María De La Cruz Gallego Herrezuelo
  • José Agustín García García
  • José M. Vaquero
Keywords: daily rainfall, spatial distribution, Iberian Peninsula


According to the bibliography, one of the regions more affected by the climatic variability of the North Atlantic is the Iberian Peninsula. In this work we try to get some information about the structure and distribution of the daily precipitation series over this region in each of the year seasons. For this purpose, and taking into account one of the aspects of this variable, series of precipitation frequency indices have been constructed: number of rainy days and dry spells. We are particularly interested in the spatial distribution over the peninsular geography of the mean values of each defined indices. The results show regions with similar behaviour over the Iberian Peninsula for the mean values of the studied indices.


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How to Cite
Gallego Herrezuelo M. D. L. C., García García J. A. y Vaquero J. M. (2004). Distribución espacial de índices de frecuencia de precipitación diaria en la Península Ibérica. Física de la Tierra, 16, 161-174. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/FITE/article/view/FITE0404110161A