Dinámica de la columna atmosférica en la teleconexión entre anomalías superficiales oceánicas en el Atlántico subtropical y la variabilidad climática en el sector Euro-Atlántico.

  • Bélen Rodríguez de Fonseca
  • Encarna Serrano Mendoza
Keywords: climatic teleconnection, atmosphere-ocean connection, Europe climate variability, Atlantic SST anomalies, atmospheric bridge


In order to help identify the physical mechanisms involved in the teleconnection between subtropical Atlantic SST anomalies and Euro-Atlantic climate variability, this work analyses the anomalous horizontal wind (divergence and zonal wind) through the atmospheric column (1000-10 hPa) which occurred a few months before and after the summer extreme cases of an oceanic index that is characteristic of the teleconnection. The results indicate that the atmosphere forces the subtropical ocean, thus producing SST anomalies. Additionally, a tropic-extratropic teleconnection mechanism via an atmospheric bridge is also observed, such that summer subtropical SST anomalies are linked to winter troposphere anomalies at medium latitudes.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez de Fonseca B. y Serrano Mendoza E. (2004). Dinámica de la columna atmosférica en la teleconexión entre anomalías superficiales oceánicas en el Atlántico subtropical y la variabilidad climática en el sector Euro-Atlántico. Física de la Tierra, 16, 49-60. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/FITE/article/view/FITE0404110049A