Sismicidad de la Península Ibérica en la época instrumental: 1985-2002

  • C. López
  • E. Carreño
  • B. Bravo
  • P. Expósito
  • E. Gurria
  • O. García


Our knowledge of the seismicity of the Iberian Peninsula has been a function of the detection and location capabilities of our Regional Seismic Network. Real time data acquisition using short period analogue stations commenced in 1985 and the seismic network has evolved since then to incorporate improvements in instrumentation and data analysis. Recently a nationwide Broad Band Real Time Seismic Network was put into operation and data from the Sonseca Seismic Array was included in the routine location process. Física de la Tierra 73 2003, 15, 73-91 E. Carreño et al. Sismicidad de la Península Ibérica en la época instrumental In this chapter we present the geographical distribution of the regional seismicity as a function of magnitude and depth of occurrence.


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How to Cite
López C., Carreño E., Bravo B., Expósito P., Gurria E. y García O. (2003). Sismicidad de la Península Ibérica en la época instrumental: 1985-2002. Física de la Tierra, 15, 73-91.