Tendencias a largo plazo en la región F2 de la ionosfera y su relación con la actividad geomagnética.

  • D. Marín
  • B.A. de la Morena
  • M. Herraiz
  • A.V. Mikhailov
Keywords: Ionospheric F2-region, Long-term trends, Geomagnetic disturbances, Ionospheric storms, Greenhouse effect


Using a new approach, Mikhailov and Marin (2000) and Marin a al. (2000) analy sed respectively the long-term trends of tbe F2-layer cnitical frequency and height, foF2 and hmF2, on Northern Hemisphere jonosonde stations over the time peniod 1965-1991. Whereas tbe majority of te observedfoF2 trends were found tobe negati ve, te hnzF2 ones were seen to be positive. A global warming in the lower atmosphere, accompanied by a cooling in the upper atmospbere, due to tSe greenhouse effect can not be te cause of te detected trends. A thermospheric temperature decrease would result in negative hmF2 trends and positivefoF2 trends, contrary to the observations both in foF2 and hmF2. Rut such long-íerm trends can be explained by an increase of te F2-la Física de la Tierra 263 2000,12,263-280 D. Marín y otros Tendencia a largo plazo en la región F2... yer storm activity as a result of the increasing geomagnetic activity observed during the analysed time period 1965-1991.


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How to Cite
Marín D., Morena B. d. l., Herraiz M. y Mikhailov A. (2000). Tendencias a largo plazo en la región F2 de la ionosfera y su relación con la actividad geomagnética. Física de la Tierra, 12, 263. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/FITE/article/view/FITE0000110263A