GNSS networks for geodynamics in Italy
GNSS networks, Italian area, velocity field, deformation rate.
The recent development of GNSS networks in Italy makes it possible to define an increasingly detailed spatial and temporal resolution of the ongoing crustal deformation and to visualize the complex interplay between different orogens in the Africa-Eurasia collision zone. We have analyzed all the available GPS raw data in the time span 1998-2013 obtaining the coordinate time series in a common reference frame. We have finally produced the velocity field providing a detailed picture of the kinematics and deformation pattern of the Italian area. The horizontal velocities with respect to Eurasia are within 7 mm/yr; vertical rates reach about 5 mm/yr along the Apennines and Alpine belts, and -10 mm/yr in the Tyrrhenian backarc area. The deformation rates are greater than 100 nanostrain/yr in volcanic areas and within 80 nanostrain/yr along the Apennines.Downloads
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How to Cite
Devoti R., Pietrantonio G. y Riguzzi F. (2014). GNSS networks for geodynamics in Italy. Física de la Tierra, 26, 11-24.