Seismic source directivity on May 11, 2011 Lorca earthquake

  • Juan Rueda Nuñez Instituto Geográfico Nacional; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Julio Mezcua Rodríguez Instituto Geográfico Nacional
  • Rosa María Garcia Blanco Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Keywords: Lorca earthquake, source function, seismic moment tensor, slip, rupture directivity, directivity pulse.


The seismic source study performed to the Lorca 11 May 2011, 5.1 Mw earthquake allow us to conclude that a directivity effect is responsible of much of the high acceleration recorded at the city of Lorca which causes great damage. A new moment seismic tensor inversion has been obtained for the three main events of the earthquake series associated to the Alhama de Murcia Fault. A slip distribution over the fault plane has been obtained, showing a unilateral rupture in hypocenter-Lorca direction with a rupture velocity of 2.4 km/s with a maximum displacement of 17.5 cm at 2 km depth. The source time function analysis performed though Empirical Green Functions and the Wood-Anderson Amplitudes relation between main event and lower magnitude aftershocks shows also a clear directivity effect in the fault direction. A directivity pulse has been extracted from the strong ground motion instrument at Lorca of 33.2 cm/s centered at a 1.5 Hz which we considered main responsible of the earthquake damage.


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How to Cite
Rueda Nuñez J., Mezcua Rodríguez J. y Garcia Blanco R. M. (2012). Seismic source directivity on May 11, 2011 Lorca earthquake. Física de la Tierra, 24, 83-111.