Aproximación sociolingüística a la variación léxica en la lengua polaca

  • Almudena Moncada Castellanos
Keywords: Lexical variation, Polish language, Sociolinguistics


This article exposes, from a sociolinguistics perspective, the lexical variation that one observes in the Polish current language. For it, we have selected, in the first place, a group of Polish words of frequent use in the daily life; later we have gathered all the possible variants found in each one of the linguistic varieties that have considered more representative (the variety of Poznań, the variety of Warsaw, the variety of Białystock, the variety of Krakow, the variety of the mountaineers and the variety of High Silesia). The comparison of the data has demonstrated that the historical and social conditions have been decisive for the development and conservation of the lexical variation in the Polish language.


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How to Cite
Moncada Castellanos A. . (2009). Aproximación sociolingüística a la variación léxica en la lengua polaca. Eslavística Complutense, 9, 135-143. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ESLC/article/view/ESLC0909110135A