Титулите багаин и багатур в ранносредновековна България
Proto-Bulgarian words, Etymological analysis, Socio-cultural context, 9 -10th centuries, Bulgaria
The article discusses two proto-Bulgarian titles – “bagain” and “bagatur” – preserved in proto-Bulgarian (pagan) and Old Bulgarian (Cyrillic) inscriptions from the 9th century as well as in seals (containing inscriptions in Greek) from the last twenty years of the 10th century. The etymological and comparative study of these titles in the specific political and socio-cultural context of pre-Christian and early-Christian Bulgaria allows us to trace back the content and the functioning of these two terms. Thus the title “bagain” refers to a military position with diverse hierarchical ranks whereas the title “bagatur” refers to a title of honor, which was bestowed upon rulers, descendants of the throne, and colobries (pagan priest leaders).Downloads
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How to Cite
Славова Т. (2009). Титулите багаин и багатур в ранносредновековна България. Eslavística Complutense, 9, 115-133. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ESLC/article/view/ESLC0909110115A