Las dos variantes del Libro de Alejandro Magno en la literatura medieval de la “Eslavia Ortodoxa”

  • Maya Ionova
Keywords: Book of Alexander the Great, Slavia Orthodoxa, Historical compilations, Miscellanea


The paper deals with both the main versions of the Book of Alexander the Great in the Slavic medieval orthodox literature: the Chronographic Book of Alexander and the Serbian Book of Alexander. The reception problems of the ancient Greek original of the Book of Alexander are researched. The conclusion is that the Chronographic Book of Alexander was translated in the 11th century, the period of the First Bulgarian Reign, and is incorporated only to the historical compilations, whereas the Serbian Book of Alexander appears as a new version of the romance in the orthodox Slavic literatures in the 14th or 15th century and copied in the miscellanea of mixed contents. This fact hints at the different function that both versions have.


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How to Cite
Ionova M. . (2008). Las dos variantes del Libro de Alejandro Magno en la literatura medieval de la “Eslavia Ortodoxa”. Eslavística Complutense, 8, 27-34.