Súcasná dvojjazycná lexikografia na Slovensku a vo svete
Lexicografía, Lema, Término, Terminología
This paper focuses on some essential concepts of the composition of the entry in a bilingual dictionary. It introduces the general standpoints of some modern lexicographers on bilingual lexicography and presents the paractical usage of certain rules to be observed when elaborating the entry in a bilingual dictionary. The introductory part of this paper consists of a research of ideas of some authors regarding bilingual lexicography and the analysis of their theories. The following paragraphs discuss the question of terminological dictionaries, the composition of entry words in bilingual dictionaries, and these set of parameters according to which a lexical unit appear in a bilingual dictionary.Downloads
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How to Cite
Hornácková Klapicová E. . (2006). Súcasná dvojjazycná lexikografia na Slovensku a vo svete. Eslavística Complutense, 6, 159-182. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ESLC/article/view/ESLC0606110159A