El análisis estilístico aplicado a la enseñanza de la literatura rusa. Un enfoque práctico

  • Alda Fernández Bueno
Keywords: Composition, Subtext, Character, Title


Our purpose is to show a methodology which can be applied on teaching Russian literature. We assume that studies on written literature in a specific language, being Russian our case, must be based upon its literary works. We have chosen a short tale by 1. Bunin, Περεφιǔ κηасс, in order to illustrate the theoretical-methodological principies of Functional Estilistics. We firstly start with a careful reading which will lead us into the text and let us be aware of its details, without losing the general view of the text as a whole. Thís global perspective is determined by the author. Therefore, we will seek for his traces in the linguistic subtext (and its composition mechanisms), in the title and the characters.


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How to Cite
Fernández Bueno A. . (2003). El análisis estilístico aplicado a la enseñanza de la literatura rusa. Un enfoque práctico. Eslavística Complutense, 3, 287-294. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ESLC/article/view/ESLC0303110287A