Unas palabras sobre Pobres Gentes

  • Isabel Martinez Fernández
Keywords: Dostoyevsky, Poor folk, Copy-clerk, Functionary


From Dostoyevsky's first novel (Pcor FoIk) it was already possible to glimpse the importance which the functional dialectics of the work and thoughts of this author would take on in the future. The undeniable charm which the impoverished copyclerk discovers behind words, leads this latter to unveil the magic, the meaning and the beauty hidden behind the written word, beyond the monotonous world of the office, where papers and the documents supplant the living word, captivating the pcor clerl~. However, from behind the scenario of Dévushkins experiences, of his fieeting rebirth and vitality, emerges the emphasis which Dostoyevsky places of the tragedy of his people, in which failure, alcohol, slavery to officialdom and the Dévushkins defeat fatally presage the future of Russia.


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How to Cite
Martinez Fernández I. . (2003). Unas palabras sobre Pobres Gentes. Eslavística Complutense, 3, 57-65. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ESLC/article/view/ESLC0303110057A