Los oficios públicos de gobierno, administración, justicia y recaudación y los de garantía de la fe documental en la Corona de Castilla a la luz de una disposición de los Reyes Católicos de finales del siglo XV (a. 1494)

  • Ángel Riesco Terrero
Keywords: Offices public and official government employees of Castile, The public function, Profession of notary, Diplomatic, Public faith, Administration of justice, Catholic Kings, Courts of Castile


Juridical-diplomatic and historical social study of a disposition given for the kingdom of Castile for the Catholic Kings (Madrid, 20- XII-1494) in the shape of pragmatics and with category of administrative rule-law with double purpose: a) to eradicate the serious abuses got in the system of election, presentation, provision and exercise of the professional task of numerous offices of government, administration, justice and fiscal collection of territorial and local scope and b) to guarantee the public faith of the notary, totally injured and with negative re percussion both for the government of the kingdom and for the good of the subjects.


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How to Cite
Riesco Terrero Á. (2008). Los oficios públicos de gobierno, administración, justicia y recaudación y los de garantía de la fe documental en la Corona de Castilla a la luz de una disposición de los Reyes Católicos de finales del siglo XV (a. 1494). Documenta & Instrumenta - Documenta et Instrumenta, 3, 77-108. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/DOCU/article/view/DOCU0505110077A