The family archives of the adelantados de Castilla

  • Antonio Sánchez González Universidad de Huelva (España)
Keywords: Adelantamiento of Castille, family Archives, Santa Gadea county, Buendía county, nobility


This paper aims to make known the Archivo Señorial (literally: the Lord’s Archives) of the Adelantados Mayores (civil and military governor) in Castille, a large documentary collection now forming part of the Medinaceli Ducal Archives. The Manrique de Padilla House held and made use of the benefits of this lifetime title –that of Adelantados Mayores- during the Middle Ages, although the title later on was held simply for a lifetime and became purely honorary. The House of Manrique de Padilla managed to gather a large estate in the northern plateau, namely the county of Santa Gadea (del Cid) and the corresponding seigniories of Catalañazor, Coruña (del Conde), Sotopalacios, Villaveta, Ezcaray, etc. After forging an alliance with the Acuña House, the Manrique de Padillas also came to own the county of Buendía and the aggregated seignoiries of Dueñas, Paredes, Tariego, Renego and the vale and the merindad of Cerrato. The Adelantados de Castilla got related to the Dukes of Medina-celi through the House of Denia-Lerma and in the 18th century the family Archive finally became a part of the Medinaceli Ducal Archives in Madrid.

We have described the documents in this fund by making use of a thorough methodology consisting in the classification and typology of the documents involved after a detailed analyisis of the archive marks found on the documents’ sides.


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How to Cite
Sánchez González A. (2021). The family archives of the adelantados de Castilla. Documenta & Instrumenta - Documenta et Instrumenta, 19, 213-246.