Influencia de la integración logística en los resultados logísticos de las organizaciones

  • Ana I. MARQUÉS
  • Xavier MOLINA
  • Teresa VALLET
Keywords: Logistics, Strategy, Integration, Benchmarking, Fit


This work has tried to set a number of conclusions about the logistics integration strategies and how these are related to the control over the results of logistics activities in the companies. We have created an integral model including both the typology of strategies and the different scales of measures of the logistics results. In this case, the present work is focused on a specific context such as the industrial districts, where by its own nature the management of business logistics is linked to the viability and evolution of the whole system (Brandolini, 2000); more specifically, this work analyzes the logistics management of the ceramic district in the province of Castellon (Spain). Thus it has been possible to identify the logistics management as an important factor for the ceramic companies, representing a real competitive advantage for them, not only because of its impact on aspects such as customer satisfaction, but also due to a decrease in costs associated with material and information flows within and between companies.


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How to Cite
MARQUÉS A. I. ., MOLINA X. y VALLET T. . (2010). Influencia de la integración logística en los resultados logísticos de las organizaciones. Cuadernos de Estudios Empresariales, 19, 175-203.