Importancia de los Factores de Transferencia de Contenido en una Escuela de Negocios: Percepciones de Estudiantes y Profesores

  • Rogerio DOMENGE
Keywords: Content Transference Factors, Business School, Active Learning


In this research the content transference factors in undergraduate and graduate Business programs is explored. A measurement model is used that took into account the perceived importance of three factors: relationship and rapport which the student, effective communication and active learning. This measurement model was evaluated by both examining the internal-congruence indicators and by importance of factors was done. The relationship with the student factor, for both the undergraduate and graduate students, was identified as the most important, followed by effective communication and active learning. Professors agreed with students in the undergraduate program and evaluated the three aspects in the same order of importance. However, for the graduate program they considered effective communication as the most important aspect, followed by relationship with the student and finally, active learning experience.


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How to Cite
DOMENGE R. . (2010). Importancia de los Factores de Transferencia de Contenido en una Escuela de Negocios: Percepciones de Estudiantes y Profesores. Cuadernos de Estudios Empresariales, 19, 75-104.