Quercus de M. Colmeiro (1816 - 1901) y J. Gay (1786 - 1864) en el Herbario del Real Colegio de Alfonso XII (San Lorenzo del Escorial, Madrid)

  • Domingo Perea
  • Alfonso García
  • María Andrea Carrasco de Salazar
  • Carlos José Martín-blanco


CARRASCO, NI. A., C. J. MARTIN-BLANCO, A. GARCÍA & D. PEREA, 1998. The Quercus of M. Colmeiro(1816-1901) andi. Gay (1786-1864) in rhe Herbarium of the Real Colegio Alfonso XII (San Lorenzo del Escorial, Madrid). BoL Complutensis, 22: 153-171. Several sets of planís, with historic interest have been spotíed in the Real Colegio Alfonso XII, of San Lorenzo del Escorial, Madrid. la Ihis paper we present the study of one of those sets, belonging to the Colmeir&s and Gay's herbaria. Sorne of them are Typus materials (Quercus avellanaeformis Colmeiro & Boutelou, Quercus bellota var. grandifolia Colmeiro & Houtelou and Quercus bellota var. parvifolia Colmeiro & Boutelou).


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Comment citer
Perea D., García A., Carrasco de Salazar M. A. y Martín-blanco C. J. (1998). Quercus de M. Colmeiro (1816 - 1901) y J. Gay (1786 - 1864) en el Herbario del Real Colegio de Alfonso XII (San Lorenzo del Escorial, Madrid). Botanica Complutensis, 22, 153. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/BOCM/article/view/BOCM9898110153A