A catabogne on tite benthic marine flora of ida Tina Menor and Pechon’s coast (Cantabria, Spain)

  • Lidia Fernández-montero
  • Tomás Gallardo
  • Isabel M. Pérez-ruzafa
  • Ignacio Cubero
Keywords: Catalogue, benthic marine flora, Ría lina Menor, Pechón, Cantabria


FERNÁNDEZ-MONTERO, L.; PÉREZ-RUZAFA, 1. M.~ CUBERO, 1. & GAlLARDO, 1., 1997. A catalogue on the benthic marine flora of Ría Tina Menor and Pechón's eoast (Cantabria, Spain). Rbi. Complutensis 22: 83-100. Samples, done in Ría Tina Menor and Pechón's coast (Cantabria, Spain) during the aututu aud winterot 1995 andthe spring, summer and autum of 1996, sho'w a 11sf of 202 species (4 Cyanophyceae, 127 Rhodophyceae, 39 Phaeophyceae, 1 Chlorophyceae, ¡8 UIvophyceae, 6 Cladophorophyceae, 6 Brvopsidophyceac, and 1 Magnolioplmvta). Ihe number ol new records for Cantabria is 87.


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How to Cite
Fernández-montero L., Gallardo T., Pérez-ruzafa I. M. y Cubero I. (1998). A catabogne on tite benthic marine flora of ida Tina Menor and Pechon’s coast (Cantabria, Spain). Botanica Complutensis, 22, 83. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/BOCM/article/view/BOCM9898110083A