Distrihution nsaps of marine nigne from Ihe Iberian Peninsala aad the Balearie lslands. X.Varieties ofFucus spira/is L. and Fi vesiculosas L. (Fuenles, Fucopbyceae)

  • Tomás Gallardo
  • Isabel M. Pérez-ruzafa
Keywords: Distribution maps, marine algae, tucas, Fucaphyceae


PÉnrz~RuzáFá. 1. M. & GALLARDO,T. 1997. Distribuhan inaps of marine algaefram Ihelberian Peninsula and ihe Balearic lslands. Al Vanieties of Fucus spiralis L. and E. vesiculosus L. (Fucales, Fucophyceae). Bar tamplittens¿s 21:121-136. Wc publish here the maps of the distribution along ihe Iberian Peninsula of the varieties of tucas vesicalasus var. vesiculosas, var. campressus, var. linearis, var. vadorum and var valabilis) and E spiralis (var. spiralis, var. timitaneus and van platvcarpas) marine algae ineluded in the Order Fatales> New records are apported.


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How to Cite
Gallardo T. y Pérez-ruzafa I. M. (1996). Distrihution nsaps of marine nigne from Ihe Iberian Peninsala aad the Balearie lslands. X.Varieties ofFucus spira/is L. and Fi vesiculosas L. (Fuenles, Fucopbyceae). Botanica Complutensis, 21, 121. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/BOCM/article/view/BOCM9696110121A