Loto glareosí- Rumicetun¡ gallaeciel, a new comnmnaity of the cliffs of Cabo Orlegal ancl A Capelada (Galicia, NW ofIhe Iberian Peninsula)Loto glareosí- Rumicetun¡ gallaeciel, a new comnmnaity of the cliffs of Cabo Orlegal ancl A Capelada (Galicia, NW ofI

  • Xavier Soñora
  • Juan Rodríguez-oubiña
  • Santiago Ortiz
Keywords: df vegetation, pbytosociology, Galicia, Spain


ROoRiGtJEz-OmJBIÑA, J.; SOÑORA, E X. & Omníz, 5. Laco glareasi-Ramicetum gallaecici, a new community of tbe cliffs of Cabo Ortega> and A (`apelada (Galicia, NW of the Iberian Peninsula). Bat. (`omplacensis 21: ¡ ¡3-120. In this paper we report a study of the vegetatinía of serees on the cliffs of Ube A Capelada peninsula in the nortb coast of Galicia, following the rnethods of Ube Zúrich-Montpellier School. A new assocíatíon, Lara glarecsi-Ramicetam gallaecic¿ is proposed and its physiognomnic, syotaxonommc, biogeograpbical and ecological characteristics are described,


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How to Cite
Soñora X., Rodríguez-oubiña J. y Ortiz S. (1996). Loto glareosí- Rumicetun¡ gallaeciel, a new comnmnaity of the cliffs of Cabo Orlegal ancl A Capelada (Galicia, NW ofIhe Iberian Peninsula)Loto glareosí- Rumicetun¡ gallaeciel, a new comnmnaity of the cliffs of Cabo Orlegal ancl A Capelada (Galicia, NW ofI. Botanica Complutensis, 21, 113. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/BOCM/article/view/BOCM9696110113A