I)istribution maps of marine algae froni the Iherian Peninsula and the Balearie Islands. VB. Cystoseira U. Agardh: (C. baccata group) and Sargassum C. Agardh (5. ,nutieun¡ aud 5. vulgare)

  • Amelia Gómez Garreta
  • Mª Antonia Ribera
  • María Carmen Barceló
  • Jordi Rull Lluch
Keywords: Corology, distribution, maps, marine algae, Focales, C'ystoseira, Sargassum


RULL LLUCH, i.; GÓMEZ CARRETA, A.; BARCELÓ, M. C. & RIBERA, M. A. 1994. Distriburion maps of marine algae from the Iberian Peninsula and [he Balearie Islanés. VII. Cystoseira C. Agardh (C. baccata group) and Sargassum C. Agardh (5. muticum and 5. vulgare). fician ka Complutensis 19: 131-138. We publish here the maps of the distribution along the Iberian Peninsula and Balearie Lslands of nne species of Cystoseira C. Agardh (C. haccata LS. 6. Gmelin] Silva) and two species of Sargassum C. Agardh (5. muficu,n [Yendo] Fensholt aud 5. rutgare C. Agardh).


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How to Cite
Gómez Garreta A., Ribera M. A., Barceló M. C. y Rull Lluch J. (1994). I)istribution maps of marine algae froni the Iherian Peninsula and the Balearie Islands. VB. Cystoseira U. Agardh: (C. baccata group) and Sargassum C. Agardh (5. ,nutieun¡ aud 5. vulgare). Botanica Complutensis, 19, 131. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/BOCM/article/view/BOCM9494110131A