Distribution rnaps of marine algae froni dic Iberian Peninsula aud the Balearie Islands. ‘e’. Cystoseira C. Agardli: C. ericaefolio nad C. crinito-selaginoides groups

  • Amelia Gómez Garreta
  • Mª Antonia Ribera
  • María Carmen Barceló
  • Jordi Rull Lluch
Keywords: Corology, distribution, maps, marine algae, Fucales, Cystaseira


GÓMEZ GARRETA, A: RIBERA, M. A.; BARCELÓ, M. C & RULE LLUCE, J. 1994. Distribution maps of marine algae from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearie Islands. V Cystoseira C. Agardh: C. ericaefolia and C erinilo-selaginoides groups. Botanica Complutensis 19: 109l 18 Wc publish here the maps of the distrihution along the Iberian Peninsula and Balearie Islands of four species of Cystoseina C. Agardh included in the groups U enicaejália (O tamaníscijólia (Huds.) Papenfuss, C amentar-ea Bory var stnir-ta Montagne, O mediterranea Sauv.) and C. c-ninito-selaginaides (C. brarbyrarpa J. Agardh var baleanica Sauv.).


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How to Cite
Gómez Garreta A., Ribera M. A., Barceló M. C. y Rull Lluch J. (1994). Distribution rnaps of marine algae froni dic Iberian Peninsula aud the Balearie Islands. ‘e’. Cystoseira C. Agardli: C. ericaefolio nad C. crinito-selaginoides groups. Botanica Complutensis, 19, 109. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/BOCM/article/view/BOCM9494110109A