Contributions lo the knowledge of spanish bryophytic flora. X. Mossrs and Jiverworts ofthe northwestern siope of Sierra Morena (Badajoz, Spain)

  • A. Ederra
  • R. Cros
  • C. Casas
  • J. Muñoz
  • Esther Fuertes Lasala
  • Rosario Oliva


FUERTES, E.; CASAS, C.; CROS, R.; EDERRA, A.; MUÑOZ,]. & OLIVA, R. Contributions to [be knowledge of spanish bryophytic flora. X. Mosses and liverworts of the northwestern slope of Sierra Morena (Badajoz, Spain). Botanica Compiutensis 19: 45-58. A list of 157 bryophytes (33 Liverworts and 124 Mosses) of the northwestem slope of Sierra Morena (Badajoz) is given. We ,emark the presenee of Ortíiotrichum acuminatuin, Botanica Coínplutensis 19: 45-58, Edit. Universidad Complutense 1994 46 E. Fuertes, C. Casas R. Cros. A. Ederra]. Muño: &R. O/isa Phascun, cuspidatun>, Trique/rella arapilensis, Tortula baetica, T. virescens, Didymadon nic.ízolsonii and Cephaioziella steliuizfera, rares or found for the first <inc in Extremadura (Spain). Rey words: Flora, Distributien, Bryephytes, Spain.


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How to Cite
Ederra A., Cros R., Casas C., Muñoz J., Fuertes Lasala E. y Oliva R. (1994). Contributions lo the knowledge of spanish bryophytic flora. X. Mossrs and Jiverworts ofthe northwestern siope of Sierra Morena (Badajoz, Spain). Botanica Complutensis, 19, 45.