Dinámica temporal de las microalgas de un tratamiento terciario de aguas residuales urbanas a escala de laboratorio.
. A mixed culture of Chlorel/a sac.chorophi/a and Seenedosmus acutus was inoculated in urban water produced by activated sludge in a secondary treatment. As 0C, light intensity = II klux, says were undertaken in batch cultures (T = 30 "C and 25 photoperiod = 15/9) and the following parameters were assessed: chlorophyll a, optical density at 560 nm., number of celís. biomass (biovolumes and dry weighfl, diversity, primarv productivity. respiration. assimilation numbers and species turnover rates. In addition, sorne correlations were tried among chemical factors found in a prevíous paper and species growth rates were calculated. Fo!, (o;ííp/u/ens/s N.~ 1465-74. EdiL. Universidad Complutense, 1989 66 Álvarez Cobelas, M. et al. (7. saccharophila was outcompeted by Oscillatoria amph/bia (that spontaneously appearcd in the cultures) due to betier light ami nutrient adaptations of te seconó. Ah te phenomena proceeded faster aL 30 0C than at 25Primary productivity showed 0C, as expected. Phosphorus and carbon controlled algal growth in such eonditions. maximal values in the minutes that followed the light turning-on.Downloads
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