Plantas orientales de Edmond Boissier (1810-1885) en el Herbario del Real Colegio Alfonso XII de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid (España)
We present a brief description of two interesting set of plants deposited in the herbarium of the Real Colegio Alfonso XII of San Lorenzo de El Escorial. They are part of the exsiccata distributed by Eugène Bourgeau named “Plantae Lyciae, 1860” and “Plantae Armeniacae, 1862”. These plants were in the Mariano de la Paz Graell´s herbarium. The historical importance of these sheets is increased due to the fact as some of them were used by Boissier as reference plants in their classics Flora Orientalis and Diagnoses plantarum orientalium novarum and by De Candolle in the Prodromus, as clearly stated in that books. Furthermore, some of these sheets as Campanula denticulata Boiss. et Huet and Acantholimon armenum Boiss. et Huet, were collected by Alfred Huet du Pavillon in the loc. class., and three of the sheets are type material of Ebenus bourgaei Boiss., Sideritis bourgaei Boiss. and Euphorbia armena Boiss.Downloads
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