Modelo de conservación de la flora briológica en la Comunidad Valenciana: microrreservas de flora criptogámica.

  • E. Laguna
  • J.G. Segarra
  • F. Puche
  • C. Gimeno
Keywords: Bryophytes, microreserve, «in situ» conservation, Valencia Community, Spain


GIMENO, C., PUCHE, F., SEGARRA, J. G. & LAGUNA, E., 2001. A conservation model of bryophyte flora in the Valencian Community: micro-reserves of cryptogamic flora. Bot. Complutensis 25: 221-231. In execution of the Directive 92/43/CEE, Generalitat Valenciana has approved the incorporation proposal to the net Nature 2000 of until 17% of the territory of the Valencian Community. The micro-reserves of flora differ of the Protected Natural Spaces in that their fundamental end is not the protection, but the obtaining of a net of representation of the plant biodiversity, especially of the endemic, rare or threatened species and singular ways of natural vegetation. They are specially guided to the development of conservation experiences, although in some cases they can also be susceptible of educational uses or other compatible ones. In 1997 the elaboration of the program of conservation of terrestrial and fresh water criptogams of the Valencian Community was begun. Areas proposed as micro-reserves of criptogámic flora by their special interest in bryophyte flora are: «Barranc del Salt» (Fredes) and «Pico Espadán» (Alcudia de Veo) in the county of Castellón. «Rodenos de Castielfabib» in the county of Valencia. «Font Roja» (Alcoy), «El Fondó» (Elche) and «Barranc de la Perdiu» (Dénia) in the county of Alicante. In these sites there are some threatened taxa (Puche & Gimeno, 1999). Mosses: Homalia besseri, Oedopodiella australis, Metaneckera menziesii, Funariella curviseta, Phascum cuynetii and liverworts: Frullania fragilifolia, Cololejeunea calcarea and Riella helicophylla.


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How to Cite
Laguna E., Segarra J., Puche F. y Gimeno C. (2001). Modelo de conservación de la flora briológica en la Comunidad Valenciana: microrreservas de flora criptogámica. Botanica Complutensis, 25, 221.