Propuesta de microrreservas vegetales. Una alternativa para la conservación de líquenes en la comunidad Valenciana.
ATIENZA, V., SEGARRA, J. G & LAGUNA, E. 2001. Plant micro-reserves proposal, as an alternative for lichen conservation in the Valencian Community. Bot. Complutensis 25: 115-128. In the scope of the Valencian Community 6 areas are proposed as lichenological flora micro-reserves, two of them are located in the Alicante province: 1.Villena, Cabezo del Chocolaino and 2. Xàbia, Cabo de San Antonio, Morro dels Cocons, two in the Castellón province: 3. Pina de Montalgrao. Santa Bárbara de Pina and 4. Illes Columbretes. Illa Grossa and two in the Valencia province: 5. Puebla de San Miguel. Cerro Calderón and 6. El Saler. Pujol Nou. Location, description and a list of the most interesting lichen species from all the micro-reserves areas are included. Finally, within the species protection framework, a table with the vulnerable or endangered lichen species and the threats identified are presented for the six microreserves proposed. 115 Violeta Atienza et al. Propuesta de microrreservas vegetales...Downloads
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