Diversity of terricolous lichens in Montes de Toledo (Castilla-La Mancha, España)
We here report the results of a study in which the diversity of terricolous lichens colonizing the slopes of forest roads and soils in Montes de Toledo is analyzed. In total, 103 species have been identified, 14 are recorded for the first time in Castilla-La Mancha and another 32 are new records from Montes de Toledo. Slopes inside Quercus pyrenica forests or located near riverbeds harbor the highest species richness. In the most humid slopes, we highlight the presence of some species which are more frequent in the northern half of the Iberian Peninsula (Cladonia ciliata, C. gracilis, C. scabriuscula, C. uncialis, Inoderma epigaeum, Lepraria rigidula, Peltigera venosa, Psoroma hypnorum, Trapeliopsis pseudogranulosa). Whereas in the most exposed areas, we underline the presence of very rare Mediterranean species (Cladonia dimorpha, Leptogium terrenum, Toninia toepfferi, Trapeliopsis gymnidiata, T. wallrothii). In conclusion, under Mediterranean climate conditions, the slopes of forest roads constitute important habitats for terricolous lichen species.
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