New data on nomenclature, taxonomy and distribution of some species of the lichen genus "Cladonia"

  • Teuvo Ahti University of Helsinki
  • Soili Stenroos University of Helsinki
Keywords: Cladonia, lichens, Bahamas, Faeroe Is., Iceland, Japan


The name Cladonia diversa Asperges ex S. Stenroos is validated, and the species is reported as new to Japan. Cladonia angustiloba, earlier known from Macaronesia, is reported to extend to Faeroe Is., Denmark. Cladonia aspera Ahti & Kashiw. is an illegitimate later homonym of C. aspera (Flörke) Doign. The former name is still regarded as a synonym of C. sarmentosa, while the latter name is a synonym of C. gracilis subsp. gracilis. The type of C. dilleniana is stated to be from Bahama Islands rather than Turks and Caicos Islands. The volcano lichen C. vulcani is recorded from Iceland as new to Europe. The author citation of C. bacilliformis (Nyl.) Sarnth. and type location citation of C. glauca Flörke are corrected.


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Author Biographies

Teuvo Ahti, University of Helsinki
Botanical Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History
Soili Stenroos, University of Helsinki
Botanical Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History



How to Cite
Ahti T. y Stenroos S. (2012). New data on nomenclature, taxonomy and distribution of some species of the lichen genus "Cladonia". Botanica Complutensis, 36, 31-34.