Consecuencias de “New Babylon”

  • Angelique TRACHANA
Keywords: City, Utopia, Technology, Freedom, Democracy


Within the prosed framework of “utopian cities” seems appropriate to recover Situationisme and its architectural climax, Constant’s Nieuwenhuys “New Babylon”. This is a project that embodies the social critique – inseparable of the urban critique– from the 60 that culminates in the French May. Constant coming from the world of art, links his utopian city with a work of art –playful expression of citizens in freedom– and based on technological development. Constant doesn’t the only in proposing a radical innovative urban vision. In the field of architecture and engineering there are various proposals that have a common visionary trunk: the demand for a more democratic, free and equal society, which called, for that, new physical structures given by technological advances. We recover, therefore, these graphics and narrative formulations here because the great interest of their theoretical and ideological background. They tune in a new sensitivity involved in changes of perception and actual performance in the urban environment albeit from different budgets based on new information and communication technologies.


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How to Cite
TRACHANA A. . (2011). Consecuencias de “New Babylon”. Ángulo Recto. Revista de estudios sobre la ciudad como espacio plural, 3(1), 195-222.