El valor de la ciudad como fuente documental en las Cantigas Historiadas de Alfonso X el Sabio: el caso de Foggia

  • Laura Molina López
Keywords: Foggia, Cantigas, Emperor, Palace, Street


This article analyzes the importance of the text and the miniatures of the Cantigas de Santa María of Alfonso X the Wise the city as a documentary source. Specifically we focus our attention on the representation of the city of Foggia in the poem CXXXVI of the codex RBME, Ms. T.I.1., giving an interesting information about the relationship between Castilian monarchy and that city, as well as the different parts that did compose its urban landscape.


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How to Cite
Molina López L. . (2011). El valor de la ciudad como fuente documental en las Cantigas Historiadas de Alfonso X el Sabio: el caso de Foggia. Ángulo Recto. Revista de estudios sobre la ciudad como espacio plural, 3(1), 53-62. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_ANRE.2011.v3.n1.19519