The Language of the Postpostmodernist City: Futurama’s New New York City

  • Fernando Ángel Moreno Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Ivana Palibrk Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: city, prospective, science fiction, Futurama, television series, parody


In order to exemplify the literary functioning of the prospective fiction, television series Futurama is chosen, and more precisely the city of New New York, which represents the parody of the real New York and therefore the parody of every big occidental city. The functioning of the parody of the prospective city is being analyzed starting from the theories of Viktor Shklovsky, Walter Mignolo and Paul Ricoeur, which are related to the metaphorization and the processes of defamiliarization and semantization. Starting from these theoretic principles the city in general and especially its urban elements are analyzed. Each of the main characters is used as a representative of these elements based on its relations to the city itself.


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Author Biographies

Fernando Ángel Moreno, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Departamento de Lengua Española, Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada
Ivana Palibrk, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Departamento de Lengua Española, Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada



How to Cite
Moreno F. Á. y Palibrk I. (2012). The Language of the Postpostmodernist City: Futurama’s New New York City. Ángulo Recto. Revista de estudios sobre la ciudad como espacio plural, 4(1), 105-122.