Niveles plasmáticos de interleukina 1-ß, cortisol, 17-ß estradiol y ESG tras fangoterapia y fisioterapia en mujeres postmenopáusicas con artrosis

  • Daniel De Michele
  • Marta Giacomino
  • Andrés Belderrain
  • Marcos Untura-filho
Keywords: Fangotherapy, Mud Therapy, Osteoarthritis, Inflammation, Kinesiology, Peloid, Mud,


Twenty postmenopausal women with knee osteoarthritis were evaluated. These women underwent mud therapy, kinesiology (Maitland method), and low frequency laser. A precise clinical evaluation included a complete radiological study of the affected knee, lab studies and a kinesiotherapeutic study. Initial and final Interleukin 1-ß, cortisol, 17-ß estradiol serum levels and eritrosedimentation rate (ESR) were performed afterwards that demonstrated quantitative variations that suggest an antiinflammatory response with a betterment of knee movement (with a greater angle), less time to walk a certain distance (15 linear meters FWT50) an d reduced knee pain according to the Visual Analogical Pain Scale (EVA). Our findings confirm antinflammatory activity in osteoarthritic patients under treatment with local mud and physical therapy.


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How to Cite
De Michele D. ., Giacomino M. ., Belderrain A. . y Untura-filho M. . (2008). Niveles plasmáticos de interleukina 1-ß, cortisol, 17-ß estradiol y ESG tras fangoterapia y fisioterapia en mujeres postmenopáusicas con artrosis. Anales de Hidrología Médica, 4, 93-103.