Saline warm water immersion. Cardiovascular adaptation in healthy young
Immersion, Health resort medicine, Balneotherapy
Objective: Determine cardiovascular adaptative response in healthy young people, during and after saline warm water immersion. Material and Methods: Population: 20 randomly selected healthy youngs (20-25 years old). Immersion: warm water (38°C), at sternal level. Determination of blood pressure and heart rate at: a) Pre-immersion; b) Immersion: standing at 10, 20, 30 minutes; c) Pos-immersion: after leaving water in rest at 10, 20 and 30 minutes. Water was previously categorized as: a) hyperthermal (38° C); b) strong mineralization; c) prominent ions: chloride, sulphate, bicarbonate, sodium; d) extremely hard water. Results: Blood Pressure: Pre-immersion mean blood pressure was 114/70. Immersion of 30 minutes, provocated an average decrease of 30% of diastolic values and 45% of systolic values compared with baseline. The minimum values were obtained at 30 minutes of immersion (mean: 80/40). 30 minutes after leaving the water, blood pressure average for the entire population was 99.7/63 mm Hg. There were tensional values recovery after leaving the water, but even at 30 minutes post-immersion, baseline values were not reached. Heart rate: There was a slight but sustained heart rate elevation until 30 minutes of immersion (mean 97.3 beats/min) with restoration of baseline values at 30 minutes after immersion. No adverse effects were detected. Conclusions: Warm water immersion (38°C and predominant ions; sodium, chloride, sulfate and bicarbonate, in Villa Elisa Spa, Argentina) of 20 healthy young by 30 minutes produced remarkable decreased blood pressure and increased heart rate. No adverse effects were detected.Downloads
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How to Cite
Scandella V., Buruchaga M., Giacomino M. y de Michele D. (2012). Saline warm water immersion. Cardiovascular adaptation in healthy young. Anales de Hidrología Médica, 4, 33-43.