Perspectivas sobre el velo islámico: especial referencia a la doctrina del margen de apreciación en la jurisprudencia internacional

  • Claudia De Miranda Avena
Keywords: Islamic headscarf, Sexual equality, Religious freedom, Comparative Law, International jurisprudence, The margin of appreciation doctrine


The problems analyzed by the use of the Islamic headscarf have a dimension that has transcended to a mere way of dressing, wrapping in one hand the fundamental right to a free religious manifestation and, in the other hand, provoking questions as the role of women’s in pluralist societies and legitimacy and proportionality of limitations on freedom to protect other fundamental rights and the public order. This article examines the legitimacy of forbidding the use of Islamic headscarf in public universities and schools in Europe. For this purpose, we comment briefly on the legislative tendencies of comparative law, the United Nations and the European Court of Human Rights jurisprudence, giving special relevance to his Margin of appreciation doctrine.


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How to Cite
De Miranda Avena . C. (2010). Perspectivas sobre el velo islámico: especial referencia a la doctrina del margen de apreciación en la jurisprudencia internacional. Anuario de Derechos Humanos. Nueva Época, 11, 13-78.