Leisure in a post-modern context: the right to satisfy this need. Study of the case: Bahía Blanca (Argentina)

  • Patricia Ercolani
  • Miguel Seguí Llinás
Keywords: Leisure, Leisure spaces, Postmodern society, Leisure as consumption


This study raises the analysis of the leisure spaces from the geographic perspective, in the context of Bahía Blanca (Southwest of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentine). Centers his interest in the displacements motivated by daily leisure, which is the one made during the population's free time. A theoretical frame presents the different perspective from analyses that have contributed to the study of leisure: an analysis of the territory construction process and its repercussions in the spaces; the leisure past , the leisure in the days of change; the roll of the public policies in the city development planning; a classification of the current spaces from its condition of public and private and the experience from the inhabitants, is approched. The final reflections spin around the concept of leisure as a right and a need, emphasizing the importance that leisure acquires as consumption, within the framework of the postmodern society.


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How to Cite
Ercolani P. y Seguí Llinás M. (2008). Leisure in a post-modern context: the right to satisfy this need. Study of the case: Bahía Blanca (Argentina). Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense, 28(1), 29-51. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/AGUC/article/view/AGUC0808110029A