The Cadastre between Spain and Mexico: two histories and the same future

  • Laura García Juan Departamento de Geografía. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España).
  • Ángeles Alberto Villavicencio Centro de Estudios en Geografía Humana El Colegio de Michoacán A. C. (México).
Keywords: Cadastre, National Institute of Geography and Informatics Statistics, General Directorate of Cadastre, opendata


Since its origins, the cadastre (land registry office) has undergone a metamorphosis that has seen it adopt distinct models, techniques, and administrative systems. This evolution has differed in each country where the office has existed, both reflecting and being a product of the conditions of a certain space and time. In today’s geoinformation society the cadestre has become an opendata that exercises broad impact due, to cite but one example, to its fundamental role in the territorial administration of climate change. Within this ample panorama geography occupies its own niche not only by attending to the needs of the cadastre itself but also by providing valuable techniques and methodologies. As a contribution to this field of research, the present study exemplifies this panorama by focusing on the current situation in Spain and Mexico, two worlds with a great deal to offer that reflect quite well what is happening in other areas.


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How to Cite
García Juan L. y Alberto Villavicencio Á. (2022). The Cadastre between Spain and Mexico: two histories and the same future. Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense, 42(1), 109-132.
Studios and Research