Landscape units and geosystems of the Sierra del Aramo

  • Salvador Beato Bergua Departamento de Geografía. Universidad de Oviedo (España).
  • Miguel Ángel Poblete Piedrabuena Departamento de Geografía. Universidad de Oviedo (España).
  • José Luis Marino Alfonso Departamento de Geografía. Universidad de Oviedo (España).
Keywords: Heritage, landscape, integrated landscape analysis, middle mountain, Asturias.


The landscape units and geosystems of the Sierra del Aramo are defined and described. The Sierra del Aramo is a mountain space representative of the territorial transformations that are taking place in the Cantabrian Mountains, due to its heritage interest and its possible declaration as a Protected Landscape. The Integrated Landscape Analysis method, developed and consolidated over the last decades, serves this need by identifying the natural and anthropic landscape units, as well as 8 geosystems and 38 geofacies. Indeed, this tool can be essential in managing territories in full socioeconomic mutation.


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How to Cite
Beato Bergua S., Poblete Piedrabuena M. Á. y Marino Alfonso J. L. (2021). Landscape units and geosystems of the Sierra del Aramo. Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense, 41(1), 11-37.
Studios and Research