The use of Geographical Information Systems for the analysis and interpretation of thermal anomalies of the Costa-Sierra Occidental Region of Jalisco

  • Jesica Jazmín Bravo Velasco Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Iris Liliana Carbajal Ramírez Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Bianca Gallardo Arce Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Julio Cesar Morales Hernández Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Bartolo Cruz Romero Universidad de Guadalajara
Keywords: Heat points, vegetation, fires, natural disaster, fire


Large-scale fires that develop without control can cause material damage, interruption of production processes, loss of human life and impact on the environment. This investigation has been carried out with the objective of analyzing the data obtained through the geographic information systems with the forest fires of the Costa-Sierra Occidental Region. The methodology was divided into three processes. Firstly, is the detection of heat points with satellite images AVHRR and MODIS. Secondly, comes the characterization of the site where the heat points are located, their publication, and distribution of the information and lastly relate it to the atmospheric systems present at the time of the fire. Comparing the records of fires from 2015 to 2018, it was noted that 2015 had the lowest number of fires, while in 2018 the fires were mainly affecting the pine-oak forest, followed by the medium semievergreen seasonal forest.


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How to Cite
Bravo Velasco J. J., Carbajal Ramírez I. L., Gallardo Arce B., Morales Hernández J. C. y Cruz Romero B. (2020). The use of Geographical Information Systems for the analysis and interpretation of thermal anomalies of the Costa-Sierra Occidental Region of Jalisco. Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense, 40(2), 283-298.