The system of public spaces in a metropolitan scope complex: The case of Great Santiago

  • Jonathan Uri Colodro Gotthelf1; Centro de Desarrollo Urbano Sustentable (CEDEUS). Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
  • Jon Cadierno Gutiérrez Universidad del País Vasco.
Keywords: Public space, urbanization, metropolitan spaces


This paper aims to make a quantitative, theoretical and conceptual approximation to the situation of public spaces in Gran Santiago (Chile). In the first part, the urban public space is defined as a platform for meeting and social interaction. This is especially necessary in a historically segregated city, which has resulted in social fragmentation. Second, the different types of public spaces existing in Gran Santiago are characterized, understanding them in direct relation to the different scales and territorial hierarchies that have place in a diffuse metropolitan city.


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How to Cite
Uri Colodro Gotthelf1; J. y Cadierno Gutiérrez J. (2017). The system of public spaces in a metropolitan scope complex: The case of Great Santiago. Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense, 37(1), 67-85.
Studios and Research