Local production systems in the furniture industry in Galicia (Spain). Your situation before the crisis

  • Ángel Miramontes Carballada Departamento de Xeografía. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela-USC
  • Mª Pilar Alonso Logroño Departamento de Geografía y Sociología Universidad de Lleida
Keywords: Local production systems, furniture industry, Galicia.


Before the crisis there was talk of the strength of local production systems as generators of wealth spaces, must now analyze the behavior of these territories to the economic crisis that began in 2008 and that has affected all economic sectors. This paper reflects on the theoretical approaches that support the explanation of local productive systems in the Spanish geographical literature and methodology of these studies is used to determine whether you can consider local production systems to Galician rural municipalities that have a furniture industry significant. As seen in these cases as the crisis has affected them. For this source of quantitative information and qualitative information sources are combined after the semi structured interviews with the different agents that interact with the furniture industry in Galicia.


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How to Cite
Miramontes Carballada Á. y Alonso Logroño M. P. (2015). Local production systems in the furniture industry in Galicia (Spain). Your situation before the crisis. Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense, 35(1), 63-94. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_AGUC.2015.v35.n1.48964