Productive uses and ownership of natural resources in rural areas of the municipality of Santa María de Jetibá (Es-Brazil)

  • Anderson Pereira Portuguez Universidad Federal de Uberlândia, Universidad Estatal de Ceará
Keywords: Rural Space, Production, Natural Resources, Sustainability, Brazil.


The present investigationaimed todiagnose theproductive usesof rural landin the municipality of Santa Maria de Jeribá, located in the state of Espírito Santo (Brasil), well asthe modes of appropriationof natural resourcesby local population. To this end, wereperformeda literature review, documentary analysis and fieldworkbetween the yearsof 2005and 2010in severalfarms to realizeinterviewsand photos. Was concluded thatrural productivityis basedmainlyonsmall family properties and the coffee and horti-farmer productionsare the most important. Was foundthat the pattern ofownershipof natural resourceshas generatedtheforest fragmentationon a local scale, which putsanumber oftropical species indanger of extinction.There was, finally, that rural communitiesneedtechnical guidelinesfor better managementof natural resourcesthathave.


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How to Cite
Pereira Portuguez A. (2012). Productive uses and ownership of natural resources in rural areas of the municipality of Santa María de Jetibá (Es-Brazil). Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense, 32(2), 345-368.
Studios and Research