Conventions, Business practices and guidelines for economic development and territorial. The wine industry and footwer in the province of Zaragoza

  • Ana Isabel Escalona Orcao Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Blanca Loscertales Palomar Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Blanca Loscertales Palomar
  • Eugenio Climent López Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Eugenio Climent López
Keywords: Wine industry, footwear industry, conventions, rural development


The paper analyses the relationship between the strategies of rural firms and the economic and territorial development. Two rural areas affected by economic restructuring processes are selected for the study: the Calatayud Protected Designation of Origin and the Aranda valley, specialised in footwear industries. The theory of conventions and the new paradigm of rural development provide the theoretical framework of this analysis, which includes the application of a survey aimed to assess the different strategies undertaken by firms and to allow comparisons between the two sectors. The results show, with nuances, the strong commitment of enterprises for innovation, the pursuit of quality and the internationalization of their markets. The demands of companies to improve their situation in the territory appear clearly highlighted as well. The article concludes with several proposals to design appropriate policies to the current challenges facing rural areas.


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How to Cite
Escalona Orcao A. I., Loscertales Palomar B., Loscertales Palomar B., Climent López E. y Climent López E. (2011). Conventions, Business practices and guidelines for economic development and territorial. The wine industry and footwer in the province of Zaragoza. Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense, 31(2), 77-102.
Studios and Research