Seguridad en Latinoamérica: una mirada crítica desde Chile

  • John E. Griffiths
Keywords: SCP, Institutions, Development, Security


State´s Consolidation Process (PCE in Spanish) can be defined as the process in which the State strengthens its structure and its institutions in order to generate a broad social consensus, with the goal of implementing its most relevant objectives as a State-Nation. The main point of this article is that the State has to satisfy the main demands for material and human development, welfare and security of its citizen. As from the level of development of PCE, it can be assessed how possible destabilizing internal factors can impact on security; a bigger level of PCE reduces such impact. Nevertheless the conclusions of this article emphasize that the level of PCE in the region is too weak as to ensure control of internal agents such as drug traffickers; the challenge therefore for Latin America is to reinforce the State´s apparatus to limit the security threat that the existing lack of control implies.


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How to Cite
Griffiths J. E. . (2008). Seguridad en Latinoamérica: una mirada crítica desde Chile. UNISCI Discussion Papers, 18, 147-158.