Tactical Intelligence

  • José Antonio Sainz de la Peña UNISCI
Keywords: Tactical Intelligence, Strategy, Battle, Operational level, Asymmetric conflicts, NCW.


The article explains that a notable difference exists between the battle and the military actions that precede and follow it. The tactical level is organised to win the fights and battles, has its own characteristics that distinguish it clearly, at least from a theoretical standpoint, from the strategic and operational levels. At the tactical level, the production of intelligence follows the same pattern as in strategic and operational levels. But its main futures that differentiate it from other levels of intelligence are urgency and limited means. All this frequently implies working with raw or semiprocessed information. The impact of new technologies has also to be mentioned. Information overload can cause indecision, misunderstanding and even would pave the way for indiscipline in the chain of command.


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How to Cite
Sainz de la Peña J. A. (2012). Tactical Intelligence. UNISCI Discussion Papers, 28, 213-232. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_UNIS.2012.n28.38473