La primavera árabe: ¿una cuarta ola de democratización?

  • Alberto Priego Moreno Universidad Pontificia Comillas/UNISCI
Keywords: Waves of democratization, Middle East, Northern Africa, Revolution


In early 2011 the Arab countries of Northern Africa and the Middle East have been the scenario of continuous demonstrations. They were aimed at complaining against the authoritarian regimes which have been in power for more than 40 years now. Those demonstrations may constitute the beginning of a number of transition processes with common characteristics which might be explained through the concept of “Waves of Democratization” developed by Samuel Huntington. Although we cannot make predictions for the future, we can already claim that we are witnessing the Fourth Wave of Democratization.


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Author Biography

Alberto Priego Moreno, Universidad Pontificia Comillas/UNISCI

Investigador UNISCI y Profesor de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas



How to Cite
Priego Moreno A. (2011). La primavera árabe: ¿una cuarta ola de democratización?. UNISCI Discussion Papers, 26, 75-93.