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Revistas Científicas Complutenses
Ediciones Complutense
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
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Vol. 8 No. 2 (2005)
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2005)
Is the DeVries-Rose to Weber Transition Empirically Possible with Sine-Wave Gratings?
Miguel A. García-pérez
113 - 118
PDF (Español (España))
Multidimensional Scaling of Schematically Represented Faces Based on Dissimilarity Estimates and Evoked Potentials of Differences Amplitudes
Chingiz A. Izmailov, Svetlana G. Korshunova, Evgeni N. Sokolov
119 - 133
PDF (Español (España))
A New Mathematical Model For Assessment of Memorization Dynamics
Igor I. Stepanov, Charles I. Abramson
142 - 156
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Lexical processing of ambiguous words: dominance or associative strength?
Francisco Nievas, Fernando Justicia, José J. Cañas, M. Teresa Bajo
157 - 179
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Constructivism, the So-Called Semantic Learning Theories, and Situated Cognition versus the Psychological Learning Theories
Juan José Aparicio, María Rodríguez Moneo
180 - 198
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How Impulsivity is Related to Intelligence and Academic Achievement
Andreu Vigil-colet, Fabia Morales-vives
199 - 204
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The Mothering of Conduct Problem and Normal Children in Spain and the USA: Authoritarian and Permissive Asynchrony
Robert G. Wahler, M. Angeles Cerezo
205 - 214
PDF (Español (España))
Does Quantity Generate Quality? Testing the Fundamental Principle of Brainstorming
Alfredo Muñoz Adánez
215 - 220
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Some Variables Associated with Psychologists’ Appraisal of Psychotherapy in Argentina
Horacio Daniel García
221 - 228
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Evaluation of a Group Cue-Exposure Treatment for Opiate Addicts
Francisco J. Labrador, Mónica Bernaldo de Quirós Aragón, Fernando De Arce
229 - 237
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Structure and Stimulus Familiarity: A Study of Memory in Chess-Players with Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Guillermo Campitelli, Fernand Gobet, Amanda Parker
238 - 245
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Neuropsychological Disorders Indicative of Postresuscitation Encephalopaty in Rats
Natalia A. Gorenkova, Irina V. Nazarenko, Aleksandr V. Volkov, Maria Sh. Avruschenko, Gennady B. Lapa, Georgi I. Kovalev, Lidia V. Molchanova
246 - 255
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Sampling plans for fitting the psychometric function
Miguel A. García-pérez, Rocío Alcalá-quintana
256 - 289
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Español (España)
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Mental Models in Deductive Reasoning.
Anxiety Sensitivity and Panic Symptomatology: The...
Evolution of gender stereotypes in Spain: traits and roles
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Lipreading in the prelingually deaf: what makes a...
Psychometric Properties of a European Spanish Version of...
The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale: Translation and...
Evaluation of the amount of therapist contact in a...
Fatherhood as a Personality Development Factor in Men
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