Initial models in conditionals: evidence from priming

  • Orlando Espino
  • Carlos Santamaría
Keywords: Lexical conditional reasoning, Priming, Suppositional theory, Mental model


We examined the comprehension of different types of conditionals. We measured the reading time of sentences primed by different types of conditionals (Experiments 1 and 2). We found that the participants read not-p and not-q faster when it was primed by the conditional form p if q and they were slower to read p and q when it was primed by the conditional form p only if q. This effect disappeared in the second experiment, where the order of the elements was reversed (q and p and not-q and not-p). These results suggest that the conditional form p if q elicits an initial representation “from p to q” with two possibilities, while the conditional form p only if q elicits a reverse representation with only one possibility. The third experiment showed that there were effects of the order only for the conditional if p then q, which confirms the reverse representation hypothesis. We discuss the implications of these results for different theories of conditional comprehension.




How to Cite
Espino O. . y Santamaría C. . (2008). Initial models in conditionals: evidence from priming. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 11(1), 36-47.