From Barbados to Samoa: Reviewing the main Landmarks for Small Island Developing States from 1994 to 2014

  • Mario J. Gallego Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Keywords: SIDS, small island developing states, islands, UN, UN-OHRLLS.


Small island developing States were long time needing a common voice to address their specific needs. This voice could be heard worldwide for the first time in Barbados, in 1994, during the first Conference held to discuss the specific affairs that are important for these geographical areas that are vulnerable because of their size and insular condition. The subsequent progress of this group of States in the international arena during two decades until the third Conference on held recently in September 2014 in Samoa, is the main subject of this essay. Reviewing the key moments happened between these two international events allows to note the priority issues considered by this group of countries in each context and their progress towards full institutionalization of their affairs by the United Nations.


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How to Cite
Gallego M. J. (2015). From Barbados to Samoa: Reviewing the main Landmarks for Small Island Developing States from 1994 to 2014. UNISCI Journal, 38, 169-183.