Rebellion of the economically depleted in the face of the ecosocial crisis. Collapse, impoverishment and growing resistance in sacrifice zones and exclusion territories

Keywords: Ecosocial crisis, Rebellion of the economically depleted, Resilient social movements, Territories of sacrifice, Territories of exclusion


The socioecological crisis is generating new forms of social exclusion that are driving many people around the world to the margins of society, but they are also provoking forms of popular resistance to confront it. The environmental debate focuses on the institutional policies needed to halt the collapse, but it does not reflect either the current reality of the excluded or their increasingly organized role in the so-called "territories of sacrifice" and in the "territories of exclusion." These experiences, which I call the rebellion of the diminished, are showing their capacity for self-organization and political advocacy aimed at a change of system.

Author Biography

Rufi Cerdan Heredia, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

PhD in Geography. Expert in forest fires, territorial planning and environmental assessment. Deputy Director General of Environmental Assessment of the Government of Catalonia between 2005 and 2011. Currently retired. Social activist in the Platform of People Affected by Mortgages. Caritas volunteer. Former director of the diocesan Càritas of Vic between 2017-2021. Current research interests. Social impacts and responses to ecosocial collapse.

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How to Cite
Cerdan Heredia R. (2024). Rebellion of the economically depleted in the face of the ecosocial crisis. Collapse, impoverishment and growing resistance in sacrifice zones and exclusion territories. Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 51(1), 37-47.